Andrew Swaine and Jo Veal

Jo and AndrewJo Veal and I play self-penned tunes for Balfolk, otherwise known as European or French couple dancing.

From high-energy, driving bourrées, through to subtle, slinky mazurkas, we'll take you through a wide range of emotions. Our playing includes lots of improvisation – never the same twice, we respond to what's going on around us and as experienced dancers ourselves we know what to do to get the floor moving!

Most of the tunes can be found in my tunes.

Below are a bunch of live recordings for our gig in London in December 2018 which give a taste of what we're like.

Shippea Hill / Shepherd Wheel
Audio file
Gall Bladder Mazurka
Audio file
Lament for Jabez Clegg
Audio file
Turning the Corner
Audio file
Mange Tout / Butterscotch Jig
Audio file
Audio file